

I have meditated on Psalm 32:8 for the past few months. Noticed I said months, I’m stubborn.

David in Psalm 32 is confessing his sins. He rejoices in forgiveness. He then acknowledges that God will direct his path for life.

I have let bitterness and pride seep in. My plan was better. How arrogant of me. I do not understand God and his ways. Frankly to serve a God that I understand wouldn’t be much of a God.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t wrestling. I’m just tired of being, Jacob. (Genesis 32)

I want to take comfort that I serve an all knowing God who is good, when all I see from an earthly perspective is bad.

I don’t want to be the stubborn mule unwilling to follow, even if sometimes that means one foot, one step, one breath at a time.

God never promised easy. He did promise to love and cleave to us.

I am never alone.

Today I rejoice in the pathway before me. I am looking for what God would have me learn from it. I want God’s plan not mine, my perspective is so small.

I want to trust in him.
