The four year old looked  at me this past week stating she wished she had her real mother  with her. Granted she was being disciplined, but those words stung cutting straight to my heart.  I know I’m not her biological mother. We talk about her heavenly mother often. And for  most of our time spent together it is pleasant and loving. When she doesn’t get her way then the fantasy mother comes out on what she would do if she were still here on earth. I reminded her daily of mother duties as  I was doing them. She finally relented stating that we use words to build people up and not tear them down. She apologized.  We moved on.

Sunday’s  sermon was abiding in Jesus. I’m really good on abiding if it is going my way, my plan. I am so independent that laying down my life daily to follow doesn’t come naturally. I like my fantasy life better. I’m sure God looks at me some days with the same look that I give my children. I’m wiser just do what I am telling you to do.

My life goes better when I’m abiding. Why is it so hard then? Are expectations my idol? Or control?

Ouch! Not comforting thoughts. I’m sure some days to God, I look as ridiculous as the four year old telling me how her life should go.  God is gracious enough to give me a reminder, I’m your father. Just do what I’m telling you to do.

I am going to meditate on John 15. While I might not like the pruning part,  who does really? I know his ways are so much better than mine.

I don’t really blame any of my children for stubbornness or being independent.

I want the best for them. How much more would a Heavenly Father want for me and others that are his?

I want to lay expectations down. I don’t need to control everything. I definitely don’t want to have my words and actions sting to my Heavenly  Father.

Prayer for today:

God thank you for your ever-loving kindness gently reminding me to abide. Please help me to lay down my plan and idols. I want your way more anything.