Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Month: November 2015

Can God handle this anger?

Have you ever been so angry, that the anger was the comfort of your soul? I have, I held onto the anger afraid if I let it go my world would fall apart.  During those times I didn’t go to God because in my mind that wasn’t the Christian thing to do. I did however go to everyone else in anger. The anger overflowed through my words, actions, facial expressions, tension in my body, job performance, and last but not least my driving. I hated life.

The woman in the bible, I can relate to is also hated by most, Job’s wife.

She cursed Job for holding onto his integrity and told him to curse God and die.

I find it so easy to judge her, curse God and die, pretty powerful words.

Her back-story is powerful, she lost her children to death, her wealth, and her husband became ill and depressed. I think she had a lot on her plate. I would have been angry. I would have felt alone. I know when I have gone through tough times friends disappeared because they didn’t know what to say or couldn’t handle the rawness of my pain. She probably wanted to die herself. She was in great despair.

God did restore her and Job.

I find comfort that God can take the anger and give redemption.

Paul gave instructions on anger in Ephesians.

Ephesians chapter 4:25-32

“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. 28 He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands that he may have something to share with those in need. 29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

If we allow anger to brew, we allow Satan to have a foothold in our heart. Job never cursed God but spoke the truth back to his wife. He still loved her. Job went to God for his comfort. I know human relationships will always fail in one-way or another; we are imperfect humans trying to love others. God can take all of our emotions and bring redemption to our souls.

I love we are  commanded to be compassionate, kind, offer forgiveness, work with our hands to help others, to speak the truth to others, build each other up,  and to not sin in anger. Great advice especially during the holiday season.

Prayer with action

I have felt many emotions this week. I have had the joy of meeting a new friend, the sorrow of a strained relationship, the images of France, co-workers going through struggles that broke my heart. Through all of the emotions I have felt small. I am just one person and sometimes being one is overwhelming. I think that is why we are called to worship together to build one another up, because one isn’t as good as two. (Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12)

I am also at peace when I pray. I know my God is so much more than anything I could imagine. Jesus acted and knew what was needed throughout the bible. God knows, even when I don’t.

I hate watching loved ones struggle. I hate violence. Here is where my hearts aches every person comes from God. We as Christians are called to pray for our enemies. (Matthew 5:44)  I have prayed for others who were horrible towards me, my heart changed towards them when I prayed for God to bless them. At first I didn’t want to pray for the person, I was angry but I did pray begrudgingly. Slowly my heart changed where I wanted the person to come to God and have peace. God granted me the chance to see the person’s heart changing, which was beautiful.

I can only imagine how many actively praying Christians are out there.

What if we prayed for change? What if we humbled our self before God?

What if we asked God to restore our planet and the people?

What if every Christian acted after prayer when God prompts us to do something? I know I have been guilty of ignoring the Holy Spirit and the guidance of being taught? Faith without actions is dead. (James 2:17)

My thoughts are burdened with so many emotions this week. I am so thankful for a God that listens to my prayers. I have peace knowing my God is so much bigger than this world and the problems in it.

Prayer for today: Thank you God for the gift of prayer, thank you for listening, thank you for your actions. Please restore our hearts as humans let us come back to you. In Jesus name, Amen

Which son am I?

The story of the prodigal son found in Luke chapter 15, is a story of redemption. As a child I related to the bad one, the demanding, spoiled, self-centered, narcissistic, bad one.  He demanded his share of his Father’s inheritance before the man had even died. He then went and partied in a far off land. He blew through his money. He finally was reduced to take a job feeding pigs ( by the way he was Jewish). He was literally starving himself to death. I find it interesting that none of his party friends were there to help. He decided to go back to his Father and ask to be a servant. The Father saw him way off in the distance and ran to meet him. I can relate to the times that I took stock in the world, earthly relationships, jobs, titles, and not realized that every true gift is from God. The son had a speech prepared and apologized for his behavior.  How many times have I gone to God on my knees not worthy? How many times has God embraced me extending grace and mercy? The Father took his son back and not as a servant back  into the family and to top it off threw a party. I loved this story because :

I have pride.

I have selfishness.

I have the attitude of I can do this myself, I don’t need God or anyone.

I am a mess.

The Father is supposed to represent our Father in heaven with compassion on us. As a kid I thought how sweet to be able to screw up that much and still be welcomed back. I felt like I had a free ride to do what I wanted to do. I never gave much thought about hitting rock bottom or the repentance part, or the fact that the “rules” in the bible are their for our protection those ideas never crossed my mind. What a merciful God to give us Grace.

Now comes the second son the good one. The boring one, he stayed and worked. He was obedient, never once did he ask for his inheritance early, saying peace out I ‘m gone to squander the family  fortune away. He stayed and worked hard. He was angry when his brother returned and had a party thrown in his honor. He confronted his Father with the facts he had worked, was respectful, and didn’t do the things his brother did. Where was his party? The Father comforted his son explaining that the son had everything the Father had and the son was always with him, he went on to say  that his brother was lost but is found, was dead but is alive again. The father pleaded with his son to come to the party and celebrate. How many times have I been like this brother trying to earn God’s love?  Angry when I didn’t get what I think God owed me? Too many to count. I compare myself to others thinking I am not as bad as that, but truth be told we are all like the two brothers.

Do I think my way is better than God’s?

Do I work trying to earn God’s love?

Do I compare myself to others?

Am I angry when I don’t get what I think God owes me?

Do I refuse to go into the party because of shame or pride?

All of these are checked for me.

Prayer for today:

Please Lord give me balance let me repent of my sins not living in shame, let my actions and thoughts not become prideful. Please oh please give me a heart of trust, trying not to earn my place in Heaven through my works. Please let me be grateful for the gift of grace  and salvation because we all should be at the party.

How I met Jesus


Since this the month of November, I am posting what I am thankful for. The biggest blessing in my life has to be accepting Christ as my savior.  The story is long and painful on how I came to know Christ. I want to share in case it helps someone gain perspective. My childhood was not ideal to say the least. My mother was ill when I was young before I was five she was diagnosed with MS. She was in and out of hospitals and I was bounced around from one home to another. By the time I was a teenager she was addicted to painkillers and had tried to end her life at least once. She was diagnosed with cancer and died when I was nineteen. My father was a minister but didn’t practice what he preached. The hypocrisy and the secrecy of my family life, which I equated to God, were too much. Too much negativity, judgment, covering up, just too much. I was confused most Sunday’s I could spot the fakers just like me but the real Christians I couldn’t relate to. I couldn’t figure out how they could fake happiness and peace so well.

I was sexually abused as a child. The secret of my mom’s drug habit and my dad’s hypocrisy was expected even demanded to be covered and not talked about, but my sexual abuse was for all to know. My mother talked about it often to others, all the while telling me how dirty I was for being sexually abused. I hated God and Christians, all where lumped into a group, which I wanted nothing to do with.  I grew up and ran from the church. I even wanted to protect my children from the evils of Christians.

It wasn’t until my mid thirties did I realize my drug of choice was food. I loved chaos. I was living with a spouse who talked to me like my parents did. I needed help. I ended up through a series of events going into a church.

  I finally met Jesus. Not the Jesus I learned about as a child, the Jesus I met was strong, patient, kind, merciful, seeker of justice, most important loving. I met love for the first time. The loving part was tough, I had held onto so dearly lies claimed as truth for myself.  Jesus was kind enough had enough mercy on me to have me release all of the lies.

I’m not good enough. – Truth is no one is good enough that is why there is grace.

I’m dirty. – We all are, his blood makes us white as snow.

I have bad genetics. – We can denounce generational sins.

I am not lovable. – Even if it were just me, he would have gone to the cross.

I laid my shame down. I breathed for the very first time. All of the weight of the lies, pride, independence, and the judgment came off.

I beg you if you are a Christian love the unlovable. Show mercy and grace.

I always watched Christians in my profession, which is the restaurant business. Christians usually tipped the worst and as a manager were the worst to deal with so demanding and rude dressed up in their church clothes.  I think of how many opportunities I had with Christians before I met Jesus. I wonder if Jesus would recognize some of the Christians as Christ followers. I am not perfect and I make plenty of mistakes. I am trying to make the point that every interaction leaves a person seeing Christ or not. I have been hurt by the church and Christians. I have hurt the Church and Christians for that I am sorry. I don’t follow people, I follow Christ, but before I followed Christ all I knew were his followers. I try to remember my life before Christ, I was so unlovable. I was hurt and hurt others.    I am thankful for the people who were lights for me in the darkness even when I was unlovable. My challenge for you and myself is how are you influencing others today? Show Love, Mercy, and Grace, someone’s life might change, they could meet Christ’s love which sets us free.

Am I living for the temporary or eternity?

digital composition of woman in spa

2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

What would Jesus Do? Highly overused statement. Often I am embarrassed in my feeble attempts to emulate God. I second guess myself and hope God is portrayed through my actions. I want to be the light in darkness. I think of the wonderful examples of Christ.

Jesus always in many examples was relaxed not stressed about life’s details. How often do I get bogged down with life? Stupid trivial things that maybe next week won’t matter and probably a year from now will be forgotten.  In the light of eternity the details really don’t matter. I love how Jesus stayed connected to his eternal father grasping that life is temporary. He kept his eye on the task.  One story that I love is the woman at the well found in John chapter four.  He stopped, rested, loved, and then stayed to teach. He didn’t push through to the next city. He loved with eternity in mind.  He first changed the woman at the well’s heart and then a village. I know I tend to hurry through life more than love someone.

Jesus  loved.  He shocked the woman at the well with his communication first she was a woman, (men didn’t talk to women) then she was a Samaritan (Jews and Samaritans didn’t like each other), and she had been married five times and now was living with a man.  He addressed her sin, loved her and gave her the opportunity to change. Jesus’ approach often changed and softened people’s hearts. He offered the opportunity to live abundantly with confidence in eternity.  The woman at the well had such confidence she told others in her town. The people of the town asked Jesus to stay. The Samaritans that hated Jews asked a Jew to stay and teach. Jesus stayed in that town for two days teaching, loving, and changing lives. I often wonder how many times I miss the opportunity to love, to give someone a chance to live with the confidence of eternity. I wonder when my silence misses the opportunity for change or worse eternity. My life has changed since becoming a Christian and I want that for others.

Prayer for today:

Please Lord empower me to be bold for you. Let me be relaxed in your ways. Please keep me focused on eternity not distracted by the insignificance of worldly worries. Truth be told the worldly treasures burn up in the end anyway. The world is temporary and eternity is forever. Help me be mindful of your life-changing gift. Let me speak, act, and love boldly for you. In Jesus name, Amen.