Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Month: July 2016

Running to the Known

Have you ever sat down and thought about the characters in the bible, leaving everything they knew and following God?

I did this week. I thought a lot about Naomi and how she returned to her homeland bitter angry at God. Can’t say she didn’t have good reason two  dead sons, dead husband, and no grandchildren. I might be bitter as well.

But then…. the characters that followed when they were probably scared are amazing. Ruth left everything to follow Naomi and God restored that bitter woman in the process.

Noah built an ark, Moses led, and Abraham was the father nations. All imperfect people following going outside of the known.

I wonder and this is speculation if Satan keeps us so busy with life and fear that it is easier to retreat to the known than have the energy to step out in the unknown. I believe in the stillness and the challenges of life is where our hearts connect to Jesus.

Random thoughts for the week.

Needed Space

I am exhausted. I have traveled 18hours in a car for a family vacation. We stayed at the beach  for a week which was fun but tiring. I then had a  conference and a week in a hotel room with my family. My body was tired but my mind kept racing. I  found minuscule faults in every detail of my life. I wish my mouth would have been as slow as my body to movement. My patience was done. I wanted to be home. I wanted to have space. I’m sure that my family wanted me to be home as well.

It finally dawned on me, why the attitude?

At home, I wake up every day to coffee and God. I have alone time to pray, build my relationship with Jesus, and meditate on a scripture. I haven’t had alone time with God for two weeks. I miss him. My mind is racing on negativity.

Luke 5:16

” But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”.

Jesus knew the importance of regrouping, connecting, slowing down, enjoying his Heavenly father.

I learned a valuable lesson in the past two weeks. I am a much better wife and mom when I give myself time each morning to connect to my Heavenly Father.

Beautiful Mess

I’m at the beach this week. I am always amazed by God’s beauty that surrounds me, the waves crashing in, the sound of sea gulls, and the salty air. I’m relaxed. I usually bring home sea shells. I appreciate the ones that are whole still intact, but I love the broken pieces, the parts of shells. The colors poking through, the cracks, being discarded by most, I love picking up pieces of a shell and wondering what the whole shell looked like. Knowing somewhere maybe in the deep of the ocean the rest of the shell is there or it might be on the beach, but the ocean has broken the shell into what I can see and hold. The pieces are more beautiful to me than an intact shell. Maybe I can relate. I am far from intact, life has broken me down, but there is still beauty in my brokenness.

I wonder if sometimes marriages are like the sea shells. We are always in search of an intact spouse and when we see a crack we want to throw the marriage back and find one that isn’t broken. I can’t say how many times I have heard and spoken of the brokenness instead of looking at the beauty in the broken.

I am so thankful that I serve a heavenly father who sees me and all of the brokenness and looks in wonder at the beauty. I want to see others like that.

Prayer for today: Please Lord let me see the beauty around me accepting others cracks and all.

What is my mission?

The sermon was over John and what Jesus was asking his disciple to accomplish. Which made me pause what is my mission, what is my family’s mission? What are we trying to accomplish? Which lead to a great lunch conversation. Many businesses have mission statements. If the statements of a company are actually lived out in their company any employee can repeat them because they are embedded into the work environment.

What is my family’s mission?

I am visual so I had to write it out.

Our Family will pursue God’s will for our life by making a conscience effort to listen to His calling, running our race with service and illogical obedience following through with faith but most of all striving to live out love, all the while giving thanks to Christ for without him our life is nothing.

I need a daily reminder. I hope and pray each day I can grow into my goal and live for Christ.


My Life

As I sit here looking at shoes, my husband’s and step-daughters an overwhelming feeling of joy washes over me, this is my life. I didn’t imagine it this way but I had hoped and prayed for God to use me. Two pairs of shoes hardly a ministry in the minds of some but I disagree. God called me here. Another feeling of sadness washes over me, it is Memorial day and the once family that I am now a part of is missing such a vital vibrant piece. I pray for the extended family and my new family today. The day will be tough. My husband will have tears with a mixture of happiness. I will think of my deceased spouse, child, and others. I think of all the military families having a new normal because someone so precious is no longer here on earth. My mind jumps to organ donors and if the recipient’s family ever feel a mixture of joy for their life with sadness of the life lost. I pause and take the room in, toys are scattered everywhere, a wedding picture of my husband with his deceased wife still hangs and will hang on the wall, a picture that his grandfather painted, family photos, and my families shoes. This is my life that God has asked me to serve in.

Let me explain I was widowed and dating for a while. I  prayed for God to use me, if God  wanted me to stay single, I was ok with that just use me, if God wanted me to marry make that abundantly clear. I prayed if I was to marry the qualities I wanted in a man. I had a list. I struggled with having so many options in front of me and not knowing which to take.

I was single my kids were old enough that I could move. I wasn’t tied down to any plan and I wanted my option to be obedient to God’s calling on my life. Many days I cried out to God for guidance.  I was frustrated and then I made plans. God’s silence and his timing were not lining up with what I could comprehend.  I was content with my life and my plans.

Proverbs 16:9

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.”

My heart was to be determined to be content, with life, to plan my steps, but to let God interrupt the process.

He did.

God asked me to serve him in this marriage. He asked my husband to love me because I had never been loved before as Christ loved the church. God made it abundantly clear his steps for our life together.

Here is my encouragement for you today. If your job is a never ending pile of laundry with toys being picked up constantly, if you have to eat fast food just to get a moment with a child running in the play area, and you feel that two pairs of shoes isn’t much of a ministry, I disagree. It is a ministry that will impact others more than you will ever know.

My husband’s deceased wife left a huge hole in many people’s lives, she loved God, and ran her race well. God uses Mothers, Wives, Sisters, and Mentors everyday. He uses us  in homes or at work, when a younger person needs a mentor.

He  uses us in the mundane. The mundane most days is the beautiful testimony unfolding because everyday can’t be a burning bush type of day. Diligent obedience, running our race, seeking his face, is in the everyday stuff of life.

My hope for you today is to see God working in the laundry, or at the job, or around the teenager needing new tires, or the three year old screaming about life not being fair, the list goes on but God is using you. He loves you and has great plans for you. I have no idea how many lives my  family will impact for God but I know my role and my place for God.

My prayer for you today is for God to direct your steps as well.