Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Month: April 2017

The words that come out…

I revisited James chapter three this morning. I hated that chapter as a kid. One I didn’t believe in God, two it was a punishment to write due to  the  lack of control over my words, and three I didn’t feel like it was being modeled very well to me.

I am such a hypocrite. The words that I have muttered hurt others sometimes intentional and at others times the words that I spoke meant to be helpful only caused harm.

I must have been told as a child to stop at verse 12 because the next section is on wisdom. I don’t remember writing this part of the chapter.

I like that James points out once again what an idiot I am. He talks about being gentle not having bitterness and selfish ambition. I believe these two sections  are tied together. How many times have I been prideful? Can’t even begin to count. I am a planner and through selfishness I can plan someone’s life to help them. Really? Verse 16 was a true moment of clarity. Every kind of evil comes from envy and selfish ambition.

I grew up watching and hearing people being angry at one person or another because of a real or perceived action. Sometimes it was because it was the infraction of not doing their life the way the person thought their life should go.

I have had to really fight against this in my own mind. It is an easy distraction from my flaws if I point out  another  person’s flaws. I can put someone under a microscope of negativity and feel really good about myself or feel pity on someone because their reality is far worse than the fantasy world I create for them. If they would just do my plan. I can talk to others about said person tearing down instead of building up.

I don’t want that for me or those around me. I have had to give this mindset over to God. I pray to God instead of talk to people about other people’s flaws.  I’ve handed that over to God. And the truth of the matter is, God only knows a person’s heart or their circumstances, and eventually the outcome.  I don’t need to talk about it with others. If it is something between me and that person, I need to approach that person with gentleness to resolve conflict not impose my will.  Prayer changes hearts, circumstances, and behavior. God is in control, not me.

I believe it is a duty to pray for others, to act when called, but most of all to love unselfishly. God has never once said to me, as a christian please judge those around you harshly. The Bible does point us to look at our own flaws and help others with gentleness, kindness, mercy, patience, love, grace, joy, and self-control.

I think if my heart is better, my words will be as well.


The four year old looked  at me this past week stating she wished she had her real mother  with her. Granted she was being disciplined, but those words stung cutting straight to my heart.  I know I’m not her biological mother. We talk about her heavenly mother often. And for  most of our time spent together it is pleasant and loving. When she doesn’t get her way then the fantasy mother comes out on what she would do if she were still here on earth. I reminded her daily of mother duties as  I was doing them. She finally relented stating that we use words to build people up and not tear them down. She apologized.  We moved on.

Sunday’s  sermon was abiding in Jesus. I’m really good on abiding if it is going my way, my plan. I am so independent that laying down my life daily to follow doesn’t come naturally. I like my fantasy life better. I’m sure God looks at me some days with the same look that I give my children. I’m wiser just do what I am telling you to do.

My life goes better when I’m abiding. Why is it so hard then? Are expectations my idol? Or control?

Ouch! Not comforting thoughts. I’m sure some days to God, I look as ridiculous as the four year old telling me how her life should go.  God is gracious enough to give me a reminder, I’m your father. Just do what I’m telling you to do.

I am going to meditate on John 15. While I might not like the pruning part,  who does really? I know his ways are so much better than mine.

I don’t really blame any of my children for stubbornness or being independent.

I want the best for them. How much more would a Heavenly Father want for me and others that are his?

I want to lay expectations down. I don’t need to control everything. I definitely don’t want to have my words and actions sting to my Heavenly  Father.

Prayer for today:

God thank you for your ever-loving kindness gently reminding me to abide. Please help me to lay down my plan and idols. I want your way more anything.