Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Illogical Obedience

classic countryside landscape against dramatic sunset

My son and I were recently talking about Abraham. He had no idea that Abraham was disobedient to God and the consequences of his actions.  He had only heard of Abraham’s successes. He had placed biblical characters on a pedestal separated to do God’s work. We then discussed other biblical characters and some their acts of disobedience. He was amazed that they were not more Godly. We have only had one perfect person that walked the earth, but I think most of us place the biblical characters at arms length. We make them bigger than life without flaws to make our life with God small. David could make a present day politician seem like g rated movie. Noah was a drunk. Moses was a murderer. The list goes on and yet we only celebrate the successes of the characters and fail to look at the back-story or failures.  Each of the biblical characters had to step out in faith with action. I think taking a first step in faith with illogical obedience is scary. I know for me when I don’t see the next step of God’s plan; I think God really isn’t calling me. I tell myself if he wanted me to do this he would lay out the plan before me.  I could just do the steps. Many times in the bible all of the steps were not clear for the characters. The first step is clear, mistakenly clear, scary clear, like really God you want me to do that clear. The second step is not clear most of the time. I find when I am faced with taking a step; I don’t want to look to the bible. I don’t want to find the numerous stories of faithful people flawed just like me, my brothers and sisters in Christ. I don’t want to see them as human. I don’t want to see their struggles. I don’t want to relate because if I do then I am compelled to live fully for God. I would rather look at the successes as a whole because for me the whole story isn’t that relatable. If I break down the story to the one-first step, I then know I too have to step out in faith. God will direct your path but the path must start. I don’t know what you are struggling with today. If God has laid a first step on your heart, I would ask you to pray about the step, ask for clarification and if the answer is go then my prayer is to have the faith to take the first scary, wonderful, awesome, and magnificent step into a full walk with God


  1. Jessica

    Beautiful, honest, transparent post. Thank you Rebekah for sharing part of your faith journey!

    • Rebekah

      Thank you

  2. Liz

    Such a great reminder to not place religious heroes on high pedestals, especially coming into She Speaks! Thank you!

    • Rebekah

      Thank you

  3. Wendy Smith

    I struggle with taking the first step of obedience, especially when I can’t see what’s ahead. She speaks is a BIG step for me! But I’m excited. 😊

    • Rebekah

      Glad you are going. God has plans for each person. Jeremiah 29.11 Satan has plans also. It is a struggle to overcome and keep moving forward, BUT God is so much bigger.