Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Lord, Let me relax in you.

Detail of modern kitchen interior

 I recently cleaned my kitchen.  My deceased husband was a chef and  hoarded. I have boxed two full sets of kitchen ware for my sons.  I kept a full set and some of my favorite pieces. I was surprised how much was stuffed into such a small space. I haven’t cooked in years. The trouble of having items fall out of cabinets, moving pots and pans to find the perfect pan, or buying new stuff because I couldn’t find the stuff I had. My kitchen was a crammed mess.

  The clutter made me pause.

 How much negativity is stuffed in my head right now?

 What are my thoughts?

 I know I have been concentrating on many distracting views.





 My focus should be simple, Jesus.

 I love how Jesus was relaxed. He didn’t stress. He kept his life simple. He was focused on God.

Jesus sometimes went away to recharge and connect  with God.

He didn’t allow the world’s demands to get in the way of his relationship with God.

 I need simplicity.

 I need to run to my Father instead running after my own way.

I actually asked God  to give me direction for one day. He responded with requests. My day was productive. I wasn’t stressed.  My focus shifted from myself to serving my Father.

I want to grow more like Jesus. He trusted Abba.

He relaxed.

 He was joyful in doing God’s requests.

I never have heard of Jesus fretting. He trusted.

I have made life harder than it has to be.  I have in arrogance wanted control. I have worried, not trusting my Father.

I want to keep it simple.

My kitchen is easier to cook in without the clutter. I needed to  make room to be productive.  Most of the clutter was great stuff just way too much.

Stress can come from great accomplishments or from hardships. I sometimes need to get away and  recharge.

I need to clear my mind to think, worship, and respond.

God knows me. He promised to never leave me.

I don’t need the negativity or stress.

I need to focus on his promises.  I need to serve my God.  I need to press  forward.  God knows more than I can ever comprehend. Why would I be arrogant,  stressed, worried, and controlling? God made me before the earth was formed. He probably can handle any problem that I have or will have.

Jesus relaxed in a relationship with his Dad. I want the same.

My prayer for today:

Please God help me lean into you. I want to relax in your peace. Please renew my mind. I am humbled. I need you.

Thank you for your love and grace.


  1. mbellishmimi

    I so needed this today! God working through you my friend, to bring me a message I needed to hear, right when I needed to hear it! Praise Him! I forget to give him the time to order my steps.

    • Rebekah

      Thank you, glad God gave you what you needed.