Prayer request:

This is the opening paragraph to the book God has laid on my heart.

“Jesus loves the little children, this I know, for the bible tells me so.”

I don’t know if Jesus loves all the children, or he just loves the children who are bright. Their light shines through. Their eyes are not a jaded. Grey has not touched them.  How could Jesus love me? My momma says I am dirty and my colors that shine are grey. No Jesus must love the children who are clean and happy with their bright shining colors.  Jesus can’t be for me.

I don’t want to write this book.  In July, I was partially obedient to God.  I knew God had placed this book on my heart and I pitched a completely different book at my  publishers meeting. Shame through sexual abuse is long-lasting. God’s grace has saved me from myself. Please pray that I will continue in illogical obedience to what has been laid on my heart, even when I don’t want to write on such a topic.

Thanking for the prayers,
