Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Impulsive Hot Mess

Portrait of a happy family having fun painting with palms and fingers

Recently I took a manager’s test. I thought I had failed miserably and was surprised that I passed rather well. It was one of those test with two answers highly agree or highly disagree. I highly hate that type of test.  I never know what to put because most things I would not think of as being passionate enough to highly disagree or agree with.

I did however reveal to upper management that I am impulsive. I could have told them that with out the test.  I would rather make a bad decision than no decision. I tend to try to swallow the elephant whole instead of one bite at a time.  This at times isn’t a great practice the elephant is easier and much more likely to be completed one single bite at a time.

I can say being impulsive has some merit and I am in good company.

I think of Peter jumping out of the boat. He didn’t think he went.  Ran towards God.

When God has called me to action, my first thought can be more like Jonah when I don’t want the assignment. When God’s assignment lines up with my wants I am the first to jump out of the boat. When the assignments don’t line up with my wants  more times than not I am sitting in the whale.

I know what it is like to live in God’s will. I really know what it is like to live in the flesh. I DON’T LIKE THE WHALE.

I choose God.

I choose his will not mine.

I am so thankful that sometimes God takes this impulsive hot mess of a person and slows me down to look at the bigger picture.

Jesus took Peter’s hand before he sank, and he takes mine too.

He will take yours, and walk with you through whatever he has called you to do.

I would rather walk on water with my wonderful savior than sit in a whale.

Prayer for today:

Please Lord don’t let me over think your calling on my life, let me act. I don’t want to be stagnant. Please show me the steps of your way not mine. I know I am an impulsive little hot mess with out guidance, please guide me, show me, and let me eat the elephant one bite at a time. I want to be effective for you. In Jesus name amen.


  1. Michelle Hanson

    I really like your blogs! Wonderfully written and painfully honest. Thank you for being vulnerable and honest about some very touchy topics we all face in life. Thank you for pointing us to God’s Word for the guidelines we need everyday in our thoughts and actions.

    • Rebekah

      Thank you for the words of encouragement.