Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Sin no More!

Those words use to haunt me, sin no more. I had heard them quoted from John chapter 8.  The story is about a woman who commits adultery, and Jesus saves her from being stoned for her sin. I thought when Jesus said to the  woman go and sin no more he meant live perfectly. Or at least don’t be as bad as the woman caught in adultery, don’t sin as bad as that.

Sin no more. How I sin each day? Maybe I don’t cheat on a spouse or cause another spouse to falter but sin is sin, right?

So how am I not suppose to sin?

Read the whole chapter, Jesus talks about walking in light not darkness.

I now think stop it.

Stop woman, I am enough.

I made you, I knew you before the earth was formed. I knitted you in your mother’s womb. Stop giving yourself away. I love you. You are more than fragments that any affair could ever give you, stop, sin no more.

Stop woman, I will take care of you.

I clothe the wild flowers in the field and feed the birds in the air. You are more valuable than those. Stop running to earthly men to fulfill your needs. I will take care of you.

Stop woman, you have purpose.

Stop running after approval from man, I made you for a reason. Look to me to fulfill you with approval. Run your race for me.

Stop and sin no more.  Live in the Light and not the Darkness

Jesus never commanded us to be perfect. He did want us to abide in him. When we live in the light, the darkness seems to fade more and more. We know who we are. We are valuable beautiful children of God. We have the blood of Christ setting us free which breaks all of the trying to not sin mentality and sets us free into the light to go and sin no  more. If I am living for Christ, then Christ will change my heart. I belong to him.

Live  in the light, go and sin no more.



  1. saraorjansen

    Your words caused me to stop, breathe, and consider my next step. Refreshed, I will take on the rest of the day reminded to “live in the light” – thank you!

    • Rebekah

      Thank you, I woke up thinking of this message. God is amazing on what he lays on a person’s heart. Glad it helped.