Portrait of angry man shouting and touching his curly hair

My heart hurts. When life doesn’t go the way I envisioned it, it hurts.

Times like this is when I cry out to God. I try to look at the whole situation and gain perspective.

What can I take away from this experience?

What did I learn?

What was my part in it?

Could I have lessoned the pain earlier?

What will I do different next time?

Then  I remember nothing is ever wasted with God. He uses everything and nothing surprises him. Hagar’s descendants were the ones who bought Joseph. Joseph was then able to save the Jewish nation. God never wastes.

Hagar’s son Ishmael who was conceived because Abraham and Sarah took their own plan into their hands instead of trusting God.  They were wrong. The child that came out of that decision, were descendants that bought Joseph from his brothers. (story can be found in Genesis 16 and Chapter 37)

I make plenty of mistakes. Thank goodness for grace. I know God has something better in store, nothing is wasted. I’m holding onto his mercy. I’m meditating on Psalm 34. I am  seeking to help others and live in peace. I  am pressing forward.

Prayer for today: Thank you God for being close to the broken hearted, thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you for never wasting portions of my life, for all things work for good for those that love the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.