Have you ever felt guilty?  If I am a Christian why am I not more happy? Why am I angry?

I have felt guilt: God is good why am I not happy or content.  My problems are trivial compared to others. I should be more  Grateful.

Guilt over ruining my testimony. Angry at myself.

Then I think of the psalms and  people crying out to God. Job was a righteous man and he cried to God. David who had a heart for God, cried to God.

I don’t know where I got the notion that Christians have to have happiness all of the time.  I have joy because joy is different than happiness. Joy is rooted in faith.

I know for me the guilt sets in when Satan whispers lies of doubt. Satan tells me there is something wrong with anger, confusion, cries, and not being happy.

In truth emotions sometimes anger let a person know something is wrong, not being happy forces change. Both Good.

Testimonies are not ruined. We are imperfect people trying to live out like Christ. I even find Job’s wife refreshing. She didn’t leave and stuck by Job. God can handle anger, he restored Job and his wife.

When I feel stuck in guilt and anger. I need to evaluate if I have given up on faith and hope because that produces joy. When life isn’t what I envisioned I can pray with faith for things unseen, have hope knowing it will work out for my good, and joy that it will all come together because God is good.

Satan is the ruler of the world. Father of lies and strips away faith, hope, joy, and love.  He replaces contentment with guilt and hopelessness.

I encourage you to hang on. God has you. He is holding you up. Pray with faith, hope, and joy and if you need to be sad and cry out to God that is ok too, just don’t stay in hopelessness.