For many women, Mother’s day is a day of dread. The deep longing of loosing a child, being barren, wanting to see your mother this side of Heaven one more time, or having a child who is here on earth but wayward.

Mother’s day to be honest can suck. It can suck the hope right out of us.

“Hope deferred  makes a heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

I often wonder if Sarah’s heart was sick. If she laughed at the news of becoming a mother because the hope and hurt of being disappointed was just too much. The story can be found in Genesis 18.

The response to Sarah’s laughter was that nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Nothing is impossible with God. I believe this with all of my heart. God is almighty.

Why then do we put God in a box? Why do we put time limits on God? His time is not our time. I think it is our limited understanding that God has eternity in mind, when our mind is fixed on the temporary.

When we live for eternity the temporary becomes easier.

If this Mother’s day is hard, if you have a child or children in heaven, my deepest condolences no one wants to belong to this club. I think of my daughter and look forward to the day I will see her again. I know God has me in the palm of his hand. I also realize my beautiful daughter is  happy, whole, and vibrant in heaven. I  know that God has used me to comfort others with comfort I would not have known had I not been through a death of a child. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

I take refuge in God never wastes the good or bad in our life, all things work together for good and are used for his purpose.( Romans 8:28)

My heart hurts for the mothers who want to be mothers and don’t have children. God loves you and has a plan.

For the mothers who child didn’t turn out the way they wanted and prayed for. God is a God who pursues. Keep praying. God loves you and them.

I wonder how often if we knew God’s timing and we could see the beautiful testimony unfolding how much comfort that would bring.

God never promised an easy time on earth, in fact he promised the opposite. We will face trials. ( John 16:33)

He did however offer peace with hope. We have a choice to lean into God to mend our broken heart. I am  praying  for his glory to be revealed in a broken situation because God never wastes. He gathers the scraps of a trail and uses it for eternity.

When the trails are pressing down and I feel hopeless, sad, and angry.

I remind myself of Romans 8:18.

“For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

I have a heavenly home that I long for but until that day, God is working in my life and yours  to have a beautiful testimony.

I am praying for your Mother’s day, for you to feel God’s peace and his hand guiding you in his timing. In Jesus name, amen.