I am exhausted. I have traveled 18hours in a car for a family vacation. We stayed at the beach  for a week which was fun but tiring. I then had a  conference and a week in a hotel room with my family. My body was tired but my mind kept racing. I  found minuscule faults in every detail of my life. I wish my mouth would have been as slow as my body to movement. My patience was done. I wanted to be home. I wanted to have space. I’m sure that my family wanted me to be home as well.

It finally dawned on me, why the attitude?

At home, I wake up every day to coffee and God. I have alone time to pray, build my relationship with Jesus, and meditate on a scripture. I haven’t had alone time with God for two weeks. I miss him. My mind is racing on negativity.

Luke 5:16

” But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”.

Jesus knew the importance of regrouping, connecting, slowing down, enjoying his Heavenly father.

I learned a valuable lesson in the past two weeks. I am a much better wife and mom when I give myself time each morning to connect to my Heavenly Father.