Encouragement through the power of the Spirit

Am I living for the temporary or eternity?

digital composition of woman in spa

2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

What would Jesus Do? Highly overused statement. Often I am embarrassed in my feeble attempts to emulate God. I second guess myself and hope God is portrayed through my actions. I want to be the light in darkness. I think of the wonderful examples of Christ.

Jesus always in many examples was relaxed not stressed about life’s details. How often do I get bogged down with life? Stupid trivial things that maybe next week won’t matter and probably a year from now will be forgotten.  In the light of eternity the details really don’t matter. I love how Jesus stayed connected to his eternal father grasping that life is temporary. He kept his eye on the task.  One story that I love is the woman at the well found in John chapter four.  He stopped, rested, loved, and then stayed to teach. He didn’t push through to the next city. He loved with eternity in mind.  He first changed the woman at the well’s heart and then a village. I know I tend to hurry through life more than love someone.

Jesus  loved.  He shocked the woman at the well with his communication first she was a woman, (men didn’t talk to women) then she was a Samaritan (Jews and Samaritans didn’t like each other), and she had been married five times and now was living with a man.  He addressed her sin, loved her and gave her the opportunity to change. Jesus’ approach often changed and softened people’s hearts. He offered the opportunity to live abundantly with confidence in eternity.  The woman at the well had such confidence she told others in her town. The people of the town asked Jesus to stay. The Samaritans that hated Jews asked a Jew to stay and teach. Jesus stayed in that town for two days teaching, loving, and changing lives. I often wonder how many times I miss the opportunity to love, to give someone a chance to live with the confidence of eternity. I wonder when my silence misses the opportunity for change or worse eternity. My life has changed since becoming a Christian and I want that for others.

Prayer for today:

Please Lord empower me to be bold for you. Let me be relaxed in your ways. Please keep me focused on eternity not distracted by the insignificance of worldly worries. Truth be told the worldly treasures burn up in the end anyway. The world is temporary and eternity is forever. Help me be mindful of your life-changing gift. Let me speak, act, and love boldly for you. In Jesus name, Amen.


  1. Shelly Hahn

    So much truth in everything that was posted! I want my heart to break for the things that break God’s heart. This world has nothing for me and only things done for Christ will have value. Sort of puts things into perspective doesn’t it!?!? Thank you Jesus for your eternal love💗💗💗💗💗

    • Rebekah

      Thank you, for the kind words.