I love the story of Daniel. He trusted God when it would have been easier to go with the world.  I’m holding onto his example of trust with peace today. Honestly I am struggling this week. I could use prayer if you have a moment. I am faced with do I go with the world or do I wait on God. I think at some point all of us struggle with the worldly issues.

Do I work more and acquire more stuff or Do I raise my kids in a balanced home trusting in God ?

Do I date this person or marry this person knowing it isn’t the match God intended?

Do I curse God for my illness or walk with a testimony?

Do I judge others knowing I have the same problem or am I transparent and walk with someone through it?

Do I stay in a marriage and complain of the difficulty or do I live out Christ’s example?

Do I talk about my faith?

Life is hard. Daniel made hard choices to the point of being sentenced to death.

God protected  Daniel. When he was thrown into the lions den he wasn’t harmed.  The men that had accused Daniel, their wives, and children were thrown into the lions den and before they reached the bottom of the den they were overpowered and eventually  killed. The accusers family suffered consequences of their actions to death.

We influence others and sometimes people suffer the consequences of our actions.

How many times have I gone with the world and not trusted in God.

Each time there is a consequence for my action. It may not be death, but a testimony is lost, someone doesn’t know God through my actions, a hurtful word is spoken, my soul is hurt…

In hindsight I always learn a valuable lesson, but if:

I just trusted God to begin with, how many soul bruises could  have  been prevented?

I could have protected my loved ones from suffering from my actions.

Please Lord let me rest in you, trusting your will and not my own.

Daniel and the  lions’ den can be found in Daniel chapter 6.